• Global perspective Total Design Hub ,The Korean Society of Design Culture

Research of The Korean Society of Design Culture

Manuscript Submission Regulations

KSDC Journal Manuscript Submission Regulations (Revised in 2015)

The Korean Society of Design Culture (KSDC) publishes the journal 4 times a year.
Date of publication Submission period
December 30 October 1 - October 27
March 30 January 28 - January 27
June 30 April 1 - April 27
September 30 July 1 - July 27
1. Qualification of manuscript submission
The submitter and all authors of the thesis must be members of KSDC. (Corresponding author included)
2. Manuscript submission instruction
The manuscript must be prepared as .hwp file and uploaded to KSDC homepage within the appointed time, with the submission fee wire-transferred to KSDC¡¯s bank account. Manuscript should be submitted at least 1.5-2 months prior to the publishing date in consideration with the deliberation period.
¡Ø Thesis must be registered using the online submission system.
3. Length of manuscript
Manuscript for the journal should be within 15 printed pages including illustrations and tables.
4. Paper size and margins
Paper size A4
Upper margin 20mm Lower margin 15mm
Left 25mm Right 25mm
Header 15mm Footer 15mm
5. Manuscript instructions
5.1 Preparing the cover
On page 1 of the submitted manuscript, enter the Korean title (enter the subtitle on the next line if there is one) on the third line from the top, and enter the English title 2 lines down. (When submitting the manuscript, do not enter the author/organization names)
The thesis notified for publication shall be edited for submission as follows. On the cover, enter the Korean title on the third line (enter the subtitle on the next line if there is one), and author name and organization (in the order of organization and major) in Korean 1 line down. 2 lines below, enter the author name and organization in English (In case of multiple authors, lead author-co-authors (in the order of contribution-corresponding author if there is one), which each author shall be marked with (*)(**)..., followed by their organization. In case of corresponding author, he/she shall be marked so in order to take immediate responsibility of any questions arising and responses, and an accurate e-mail and department name should be indicated. On page 2, only enter the Korean and English titles. Start the body on page 3.
Example) +Corresponding Author : Hong, Gil Dong, gildong@hankook.ac.kr (Position: Lower left of cover)
5.2 Preparing the body
The body uses 2-column format, and is entered in the order of Table of contents, Abstract, Introduction, Body, Conclusion, Reference, Endnote. The first word of the first line in a column should be indented twice, and the rules for each item are as seen in <below table>.
Item Font Font size Font width Letter spacing Line spacing Font width
Cover Korean Title Junggodik 13 95 -5 130 Bold
Name Junggodik 12 95 -5 130 Bold
Organization Junggodik 11 95 -5 130 Normal
Cover English Title Junggodik 12 95 -5 130 Bold
Name Junggodik 11 95 -5 130 Bold
Organization Junggodik 11 95 -5 130 Normal
Table of contents title Junggodik 10 95 -5 150 Bold
Table of contents Junggodik 9.5 95 -5 150 Bold
Abstract title Junggodik 10 95 -5 150 Bold
Abstract content Sinmyeongjo 9.5 95 -5 150 Normal
key words title Junggodik 10 95 -5 150 Bold
Key words content Sinmyeongjo 9.5 95 -5 150 Normal
Body title Junggodik 10 95 -5 150 Bold
Body content Sinmyeongjo 9.5 95 -5 150 Normal
Table, Fig titles Sinmyeongjo 9 95 -5 150 Normal
Table content Sinmyeongjo 7~8 95 -5 150 Normal
Endnote, Reference title Junggodik 10 95 -5 150 Bold
Endnote, Reference contents Sinmyeongjo 9 95 -5 150 Normal
* How to use 2-column format: Columm format ¡æ Multi-column ¡æ Number of columns (2), Column width (10mm), Column dividing line (transparent).
5.3 Preparing the table of contents and abstract
Table of contents should be entered in the order of Abstract, Introduction, Body, Conclusion, Reference and Endnote, entering only up to the second subtitle each.
5.4 Preparing the abstract
Abstract should be entered both in English and Korean. and should include study objective, method and scope, summary and result.
5.5 How to enter keyword
Choose 3-5 keyword that represent the thesis well, and insert them below the abstract each in English (Korean).
Example) Cultural Product (¹®È­»óÇ°), Creative Industry (âÁ¶»ê¾÷), Vernacular Design (¹ö³×ŧ·¯ µðÀÚÀÎ)
5.6 Preparing the titles of body (chapter, section, subsection)
Skip 1 line whenever the chapter or section changes, but do not skip lines for subsections. Titles should be marked in the order of ¥°,¥±,¥²..., ¥°.1,¥°.2,¥°.3......¥±.1,¥±.2,¥±.3......,¥².1,¥².2,¥².3....,1,2, 3,...(1), (2), (3)..., ¨ç, ¨è, ¨é.... Titles with Roman numerals should use Junggodik, and subtitles under 1,2,3... should be presented the same as the body (Sinmyeongjo, 9.5).
5.7 How to prepare tables and figures (Mark as Table/ Fig.)
Caption of the table should be positioned at the upper left hand of the table, and the caption of figures should be positioned at the lower center of the figure. Enter the captions of table and figure in English if possible. Sources of the table and figure should be arranged to the lower left hand of the table or figure.
¡Ø Sources of small images inside the table are either not indicated, or the main source should be indicated in the endnote.
6. Reference
(1) Enter the reference that was used in the body, in the order of Korean reference, followed by foreign references according to the author name after the conclusion. Author names should be listed in Korean alphabetical order for Korean authors, and in alphabetical order for foreign authors.
(2) How to list reference
  • ¨ç Periodical academic journals, reports and theses
    Author name (Family name first), Title (Use quotation marks ¡° ¡±), Journal name, Issue (Volume), Year; Indicate the title of foreign journals in Italics.
    Example) [1] Marter, Joan "Three Women Artist Married to Early Modernist", The Art Magazine, 13(2), 1972.
    [2] È«±æµ¿, ¡°½Ã°¢È­ ¿¬±¸¡±, Çѱ¹´ëÇб³ ¹Ú»çÇÐÀ§³í¹®, 1999.
  • ¨è A single book
    Author name, Book title(Use ¡¸¡¹. indicate the revision number if applicable), Publisher name, Published year.
    Example) [3] Hong, Kildong, ¡¸Theory of Design¡¹, Seokwangsa, 1999.
  • ¨é Websites
    Website address, search year/month/date.
    Example) [4] www.ksdc.or.kr (2008.04.15.)
7. Endnote
(1) Annotations are indicated as endnote to explain the citations in the body and to provide additional explanation for reader¡¯s better understanding by, dd an annotation number on the right upper hand of the relevant content using a half parentheses* and list them in numerical order in the endnote.
(2) How to list endnote
  • ¨ç Periodical academic journals, reports and theses
    Author name (Family name first), Title (Use quotation marks ¡° ¡±), Journal name, Issue (Volume), Year; Indicate the title of foreign journals in Italics.
    Example) [1] Marter, Joan ¡°Three Women Artist Married to Early Modernist¡±, The Art Magazine, Vol.13, No.2, pp. 90-98, 1972.
  • ¨è A single book
    Author name, Book title(Use ¡¸¡¹. indicate the revision number if applicable), Publisher name, Published year.
    Example) [3] Hong, Kildong, ¡¸Theory of Design¡¹, Seokwangsa, pp.211-235, 1999.
  • ¨é Websites
    Website address, search year/month/date.
    Example) [4] www.ksdc.or.kr (2008.04.15.)
  • ¨ê Recitation
    In case the citation is from the same page as the previous endnote, indicate as <»ó°Ô¼­, p.8> or . If previous cited thesis is recited, indicate as <È«±æµ¿, Àü°Ô¼­, pp.3-5> or <È«±æµ¿, op.cit., pp.3-5>.
8. Submission of final manuscript
Once the deliberation is over and publication is fixed, the submitter must upload the final version of the file to KSDC homepage. (Do not mark the page numbers on the final version)
9. Reprints
To each author (including co-authors) of the thesis published in the journal, 1 copy of the journal and 10 reprints will be provided. If needed, more journals and reprints can be purchased separately. (However, all authors must be the members of KSDC)
¡Ø Any thesis format that is not in compliance with above submission regulations are not accepted, and can not be published for editing problems, so please follow the regulations provided to avoid any inconvenience.
KSDC holds international conferences biannually (winter/summer).
KSDC is working hard for international design cultural exchange through over 50 conferences and exhibitions since 1998 until now.
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